Monday, May 24, 2010

Kids room mobile

So I was bored one day and decided to play around and make a mobile. I used a wire hanger and bent it into the shape of a circle then wrapped it in fabric. I used ribbon to make the "spokes" to be able to hang it. I then added more fabric on the top along with a bow. I found a video on youtube for the origami balls. They are actually called Origami Cuboctahedron and here is a link to the video on how to make it I assembled it a bit different than how the video shows but it's still kind of cool. Sorry the first picture is kind of dark.


  1. I like it! It's super colorful and full of texture which I'm sure G will love as he starts seeing farther distances. A will probably want to play with it too if he doesn't already ;o)

  2. This is real creative. I wish I was this motivated... I'm still trying to finish my first scrapbook (and it only has 10 pages!!)

  3. Thanks Tracey! One day I got a burst of energy or something lol. I like making different craft projects and I have to be extra creative because most the time I don't have the supplies I need so I have to improvise.
